Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tonights dinner.

I had to work today.  Last Sunday of the month.  It was good. I sold two cars.  Tonights dinner is grilled shrimp and Grouper with grilled Asiago/Parmesan/garlic cheese grits.  This morning I made the cheese grits and when they were sufficiently cooled I poured them in a cake pan lined with plastic wrap, placed in the refrigerator and let them set up.  I seasoned the fish and shrimp with my Bubbaque seafood seasoning.  Grilled over hardwood charcoal and served with a lemon buerre blanc sauce.  You have to try the grilled grits.  They were awesome.  I brushed olive oil on the outside.  They did stick a little, but the outcome was delicious.  Creamy exterior, grilled exterior, warm and cheesy.